1 draw point
= draw-off pointпункт выпуска (руды); выпускная дучка -
2 draw point
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > draw point
3 draw point
пункт выпуска ( руды); выпускная дучка ( для руды) -
4 draw point
1) Техника: выпускная дучка (для руды), пункт выпуска (руды)2) Математика: строить точку3) Золотодобыча: место загрузки руды, место погрузки горной массы, орт (место погрузки горной массы, место загрузки руды) -
5 draw point
rysik -
6 draw-point spacing
Горное дело: расстояние между выпускными дучками -
7 ore draw-point
8 draw-off point
= draw pointпункт выпуска (руды); выпускная дучка -
9 draw
I [drɔː]1) (raffle) sorteggio m., estrazione f. (di lotteria)2) (tie) (in match) pareggio m., pari m.it was a draw — (in match) hanno pareggiato; (in race) sono arrivati ex aequo o a pari merito
3) (attraction) attrazione f.••II 1. [drɔː]to be quick, slow on the draw — colloq. (in understanding) essere pronto, lento a capire; (in replying) avere, non avere la battuta pronta; [ cowboy] essere veloce, lento nell'estrarre (l'arma)
1) fare, disegnare [picture, plan]; disegnare [person, object]; tracciare [ line]2) fig. rappresentare, tratteggiare [character, picture]; tracciare [ comparison]3) (pull) [animal, engine] tirare, trainare [cart, plough]; tirare [ rope]; [machine, suction] aspirare [liquid, gas]4) (derive) trarre, tirare [ conclusion] ( from da); trarre [ inspiration] ( from da)to be drawn from — [energy, information] essere ricavato o ottenuto da
5) (cause to talk) fare parlare [ person] (about, on di)to draw sth. from o out of sb. — ottenere da qcn., carpire a qcn. [ information]; strappare a qcn. [truth, smile]
6) (attract) attirare [crowd, person] (to verso); suscitare [reaction, interest]to draw sb.'s attention to sth. — attirare o richiamare l'attenzione di qcn. su qcs.
to draw sb. into — coinvolgere qcn. in [conversation, argument]; attirare qcn. in [ battle]
7) econ. (take out) prelevare [ money] ( from da); emettere [ cheque] (on su); (receive) ritirare, ricevere [wages, pension]8) gioc. (choose at random) tirare a sorte, estrarre [ticket, winner]Italy has been drawn against Spain o to play Spain — l'Italia è stata sorteggiata per giocare contro la Spagna
9) sportto draw a match — pareggiare, terminare l'incontro con un pareggio
10) (remove, pull out) togliere, estrarre [tooth, thorn] ( from da); togliere [ cork] ( from a); estrarre, sguainare [ sword]; estrarre [knife, gun]; prendere, estrarre [ card]11) (disembowel) eviscerare [ chicken]2.1) (make picture) disegnare2) (move)to draw ahead (of sth., sb.) — superare (qcs., qcn.)
to draw alongside — [ boat] accostare
to draw close o near [ time] avvicinarsi; they drew nearer to listen si avvicinarono per ascoltare; to draw into [ bus] arrivare in [ station]; [ train] entrare in [ station]; to draw level pareggiare, raggiungere (gli altri); to draw over [ vehicle] accostare; the lorry drew over to the right-hand side of the road il camion accostò a destra; to draw to one side [ person] scostarsi; to draw round o around [ people] avvicinarsi; to draw to a halt fermarsi; to draw to a close o an end — [day, event] avvicinarsi alla fine, volgere al termine
3) sport (in match) [ teams] pareggiare; (in race) [ runners] arrivare ex aequo; (finish with same points) terminare ex aequo, con gli stessi punti, a pari meritoto draw for sth. — tirare, estrarre a sorte qcs
5) [chimney, pipe] tirare6) [ tea] essere, stare in infusione•- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up••* * *[dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) disegnare2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) tirare, trainare; estrarre3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) allontanarsi; avvicinarsi4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) pareggiare5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) ritirare, prelevare6) (to open or close (curtains).) tirare7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) attirare2. noun1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) pareggio2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) attrazione3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) estrazione4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) (l'estrarre la pistola)•- drawing- drawn
- drawback
- drawbridge
- drawing-pin
- drawstring
- draw a blank
- draw a conclusion from
- draw in
- draw the line
- draw/cast lots
- draw off
- draw on1
- draw on2
- draw out
- draw up
- long drawn out* * *draw /drɔ:/n.1 ( sport) pareggio, patta: The match ended in a draw, la partita è finita con un pareggio; an away draw, un pareggio fuori casa (o in trasferta); a goalless draw, un pareggio zero a zero2 estrazione, sorteggio ( anche sport); ( anche) numeri estratti, lettere estratte: a prize draw, un'estrazione di premi; The draw for the raffle will take place at the end of the evening, l'estrazione dei premi della lotteria avrà luogo al termine della serata; the draw for the first round of the Champions League, il sorteggio per il primo turno della Champions League3 attrazione, richiamo: Her name on a film poster was a great draw, il suo nome sulla locandina di un film era un potente richiamo5 strattone; tirata6 (ind. costr.) ala di ponte levatoio7 (metall.) cricca di ritiro9 ( slang ingl.) marijuana, erba (pop.): to smoke draw, fumare l'erba; to be high on draw, essere fatto di marijuana● (metall.) draw-bench, trafilatrice; banco di trafilatura □ (metall.) draw piece, pezzo trafilato; profilato □ (metall.) draw-plate, trafila □ (tecn.) draw-point, punta per tracciare □ draw poker, poker in cui si prendono carte ( dopo la prima distribuzione) □ to be quick on the draw, essere rapido nell'estrarre la pistola; (fig.) essere pronto a replicare (o a rimbeccare); avere la risposta pronta □ draw table (o draw-top table), tavolo allungabile □ That's the luck of the draw!, così ha voluto la sorte!; la fortuna è cieca!♦ (to) draw /drɔ:/A v. t.1 tracciare, disegnare: to draw a line, tracciare una riga; He drew a line through her name [under the title], ha tracciato una riga sul suo nome [sotto il titolo]; to draw a circle, disegnare un cerchio; to draw a picture, disegnare un quadro; (fig.) descrivere una scena; I'll draw you a map, ti disegno una piantina2 tirare: to draw the curtains, tirare le tende ( per aprirle o per chiuderle); to draw the blinds, tirare ( su o giù) le tendine; The oxen draw the plough, i buoi tirano l'aratro; to draw a bow, tendere un arco; to draw a breath, tirare un respiro; He drew a deep breath, ha tirato un profondo respiro3 (seguito da una prep. o da un avv., quali across, close, aside, ecc.) passare, avvicinare, scostare, ecc.: She drew a hand across her eyes, si è passata una mano sugli occhi; He drew his chair closer to the table, ha avvicinato la sedia al tavolo; She drew the curtains aside, ha scostato le tende; He drew her aside and asked her a few questions, l'ha presa da parte e le ha fatto alcune domande4 estrarre, cavare: to draw a tooth, cavare (o estrarre) un dente; to draw a weapon, estrarre un'arma; to draw a sword, estrarre (o sguainare) una spada; to draw nails from a board, estrarre chiodi da un'asse; to draw water from a well, attingere acqua da un pozzo; He put his hand in his pocket and drew out a wallet, si è messo la mano in tasca e ha tirato fuori un portafoglio5 attirare; attrarre: to draw sb. 's eye, attirare lo sguardo di q.; The event drew large crowds, l'evento ha attirato una gran folla; to draw sb.'s attention [gaze o eye], attirare l'attenzione [lo sguardo] di q.; to draw tears [applause], strappare le lacrime [gli applausi]6 ottenere; ricevere; trarre: to draw a refusal [a response], ottenere un rifiuto [una reazione]; to draw praise [criticism], ricevere (o attirare) lodi [critiche]; The band drew whistles from the crowd, il gruppo ha ricevuto fischi dalla folla; He draws his evidence from a number of sources, trae le sue prove da numerose fonti; Walter Scott drew his inspiration from history, Walter Scott traeva ispirazione dalla storia; to draw a conclusion [a moral], trarre una conclusione [una morale]; We drew a great deal of encouragement from the preliminary results, abbiamo ricevuto molto incoraggiamento dai risultati preliminari; to draw a pension [a salary, a benefit], percepire (o prendere) una pensione [uno stipendio, un sussidio]; ( USA) to draw disability, prendere la pensione di invalidità7 stabilire; tracciare: to draw a comparison [a parallel, an analogy] with st., tracciare un confronto [un parallelo, un'analogia] con qc.8 (fig.: seguito da un avv., quale together, closer ecc.) avvicinare: The tragedy drew them together, la tragedia li ha avvicinati; The incident drew them even closer, l'incidente li ha ulteriormente avvicinati9 (di solito al passivo) selezionare, ricevere (q.): Our students are drawn from all corners of the globe, riceviamo studenti da ogni angolo del mondo; They draw their recruits from the most disaffected groups in society, trovano nuovi adepti nei gruppi più scontenti della società10 ( banca, = to draw out) prelevare ( denaro): to draw money from a bank, prelevare denaro in banca; I drew out £50 yesterday, ho prelevato ieri 50 sterline11 (comm.) emettere; spiccare ( una tratta): to draw a cheque, emettere (fam.: staccare) un assegno; to draw a bill of exchange, spiccare una tratta (o una cambiale)12 (di solito al passivo) indurre a parlare: They bombarded her with questions, but she refused to be drawn, l'hanno bombardata di domande, ma non si è lasciata indurre a parlare; to draw sb. on st., indurre q. a parlare di qc.; He tried to draw his opponent on the subject of tax cuts, ha cercato di indurre il suo avversario a parlare dei tagli fiscali13 (metall.) rinvenire14 (mecc.) imbutire; ( anche) trafilare ( un metallo): to draw gold [silver], trafilare l'oro [l'argento]15 (chim.) estrarre17 pescare ( una carta da gioco, un biglietto della lotteria, ecc.): to draw a card from the pack, pescare una carta dal mazzo; ( poker) to draw cards, prendere carte: The mayor was asked to draw the winning ticket, hanno chiesto al sindaco di pescare il biglietto vincente18 ( sport) pareggiare, chiudere con un pareggio: ( un incontro, una partita): to draw a game [a match], chiudere una partita con un pareggio; In the end they drew the match 2 all, alla fine, hanno pareggiato due a due19 ( sport: di solito al passivo) sorteggiare: England were drawn in group three, l'Inghilterra è stata sorteggiata nel gruppo 3; He was drawn against Roddick, è stato sorteggiato contro Roddick20 (stor.) sbudellare ( un condannato da vivo): He was hanged, drawn and quartered, fu impiccato; sbudellato e squartato27 (ind. tess.) stirareB v. i.1 disegnare: I can't draw, non so disegnare; Jim is very good at drawing, Jim è molto bravo a disegnare3 (seguito da una prep. o da un avv., quali to, near, away from ecc.) muoversi verso, avvicinarsi a, allontanarsi da, ecc.: The speaker was drawing towards a conclusion, l'oratore si avviava alla conclusione; The holidays are drawing near, le vacanze si avvicinano; As we drew nearer, I could see that the building was badly damaged, man mano che ci avvicinavamo, ho potuto notare che l'edificio era seriamente danneggiato; They drew aside to let him pass, si sono scostati per lasciarlo passare; They drew apart as she entered the room, si sono allontanati l'uno dall'altra quando è entrata nella stanza; As the years went by, they were drawing even further apart, con il passare degli anni, si sono allontanati sempre di più l'uno dall'altra; At last we drew level with them, alla fine li abbiamo raggiunti; A car drew alongside, un'auto si è accostata; He drew ahead of the other runners [of his competitors], ha superato gli altri corridori [i suoi concorrenti]5 estrarre (o tirare) a sorte: to draw for who will go first, tirare a sorte per decidere chi sarà il primo8 ( di un camino, ecc.) tirare; ( del fuoco) prendere: This flue doesn't draw well, questa canna (fumaria) non tira bene● (antiq.) to draw a bath, far scorrere l'acqua per il bagno; riempire la vasca □ (fig.) to draw a blank, far fiasco; restare con un pugno di mosche; ( USA) avere un vuoto di memoria □ to draw blood, far sanguinare; (fig.) dar del filo da torcere: The dog bit her, but didn't draw blood, il cane l'ha morsa, ma non l'ha fatta sanguinare; The opposition has yet to draw blood on this issue, l'opposizione deve ancora dare del filo da torcere su questa questione □ to draw breath, prendere fiato; fermarsi per riposare □ to draw the cork from a bottle, stappare una bottiglia □ to draw a distinction (o a line), fare una distinzione: We have to draw a line between acts that are criminal and acts that are unethical, dobbiamo fare una distinzione tra atti criminali e atti contrari all'etica □ to draw one's first breath, emettere il primo vagito; nascere □ ( a carte) to draw for partners, tirare a sorte per formare le coppie di giocatori □ to draw sb. 's fire, attirare il fuoco di q.; (fig.) attirare le critiche di q. □ (pitt.) to draw from memory, disegnare a memoria □ to draw one's last breath, dare l'ultimo respiro; esalare l'anima □ (fig.) to draw a line, porre un limite; dire basta (fig.); rifiutarsi di andare oltre (fig.) □ (fam. ingl.) to draw a line under st., mettere una pietra sopra a qc. □ to draw the line at, non voler arrivare a ( un certo punto); rifiutarsi di: I don't mind helping him with his studies but I draw the line at writing his essay for him, lo aiuto volentieri nei suoi studi, ma mi rifiuto di scrivergli il tema □ to draw lots, tirare a sorte □ to draw a prize, vincere un premio (per es., alla lotteria); tirar su un numero vincente □ (mil.) to draw rations, ritirare le razioni di viveri □ (fig.) to draw the short straw –: I drew the short straw, mi è toccato il compito più ingrato □ ( cricket) to draw stumps, estrarre i paletti del wicket; smontare il wicket; chiudere la partita □ to draw to a halt (o to a stop), fermarsi: The train drew to a halt just outside the station, il treno si è fermato appena fuori dalla stazione □ to draw to a close (o to an end), avviarsi al termine: The evening drew to a close, la serata si avviava al termine; His period in office was drawing to an end, il suo periodo in ufficio si avviava al termine □ ( a carte) to draw trumps, tirare giù tutte le briscole (o tutti gli atout) di un avversario.* * *I [drɔː]1) (raffle) sorteggio m., estrazione f. (di lotteria)2) (tie) (in match) pareggio m., pari m.it was a draw — (in match) hanno pareggiato; (in race) sono arrivati ex aequo o a pari merito
3) (attraction) attrazione f.••II 1. [drɔː]to be quick, slow on the draw — colloq. (in understanding) essere pronto, lento a capire; (in replying) avere, non avere la battuta pronta; [ cowboy] essere veloce, lento nell'estrarre (l'arma)
1) fare, disegnare [picture, plan]; disegnare [person, object]; tracciare [ line]2) fig. rappresentare, tratteggiare [character, picture]; tracciare [ comparison]3) (pull) [animal, engine] tirare, trainare [cart, plough]; tirare [ rope]; [machine, suction] aspirare [liquid, gas]4) (derive) trarre, tirare [ conclusion] ( from da); trarre [ inspiration] ( from da)to be drawn from — [energy, information] essere ricavato o ottenuto da
5) (cause to talk) fare parlare [ person] (about, on di)to draw sth. from o out of sb. — ottenere da qcn., carpire a qcn. [ information]; strappare a qcn. [truth, smile]
6) (attract) attirare [crowd, person] (to verso); suscitare [reaction, interest]to draw sb.'s attention to sth. — attirare o richiamare l'attenzione di qcn. su qcs.
to draw sb. into — coinvolgere qcn. in [conversation, argument]; attirare qcn. in [ battle]
7) econ. (take out) prelevare [ money] ( from da); emettere [ cheque] (on su); (receive) ritirare, ricevere [wages, pension]8) gioc. (choose at random) tirare a sorte, estrarre [ticket, winner]Italy has been drawn against Spain o to play Spain — l'Italia è stata sorteggiata per giocare contro la Spagna
9) sportto draw a match — pareggiare, terminare l'incontro con un pareggio
10) (remove, pull out) togliere, estrarre [tooth, thorn] ( from da); togliere [ cork] ( from a); estrarre, sguainare [ sword]; estrarre [knife, gun]; prendere, estrarre [ card]11) (disembowel) eviscerare [ chicken]2.1) (make picture) disegnare2) (move)to draw ahead (of sth., sb.) — superare (qcs., qcn.)
to draw alongside — [ boat] accostare
to draw close o near [ time] avvicinarsi; they drew nearer to listen si avvicinarono per ascoltare; to draw into [ bus] arrivare in [ station]; [ train] entrare in [ station]; to draw level pareggiare, raggiungere (gli altri); to draw over [ vehicle] accostare; the lorry drew over to the right-hand side of the road il camion accostò a destra; to draw to one side [ person] scostarsi; to draw round o around [ people] avvicinarsi; to draw to a halt fermarsi; to draw to a close o an end — [day, event] avvicinarsi alla fine, volgere al termine
3) sport (in match) [ teams] pareggiare; (in race) [ runners] arrivare ex aequo; (finish with same points) terminare ex aequo, con gli stessi punti, a pari meritoto draw for sth. — tirare, estrarre a sorte qcs
5) [chimney, pipe] tirare6) [ tea] essere, stare in infusione•- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up•• -
10 point
пункт; точка; стрелка; остриё, заострить; отметка; точка деления (на шкале); место; забой шпура, скважины; наметить расположение шпуров•
- boiling point
- break-down point
- burning point
- capacity point
- compression point
- condensacion point
- congealing point
- control point
- critical point
- cross point
- dew-point
- diamond point
- discharge point
- divergence point
- draw point
- draw-off point
- emptying point
- feeding point
- fluidity point
- four-point
- fusing point
- inflection point
- initial point
- intersecting point
- loading point
- melting point
- moil point
- pick point
- pile point
- reloading point
- ruling point
- run-off point
- saturation point
- station point
- transfer point
- upper-yield point
- water-collection point
- well-point
- yielding point
- zero point -
11 point
1) точка2) остриё, острый конец || заострять4) положение; позиция; координата ( рабочего органа)5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить6) место; пункт11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо ( стрелочного перевода)13) расшивать швы ( кладки)16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша)17) пищ. оценочный балл•point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка;to point off — отводить ( в сторону);to pass through a point — проходить через точку-
Abel flash point
acid dew point
actual point
acute round needle point
addressable point
adherent point
aerodrome check point
aerodrome reference point
agate arrestment point
aggregative transition point
agreed reporting point
aiming point
air supply breathing point
aircraft fire point
alternator pivot point
anchor point
anchorage point
aniline point
annealing point
antinodal point
aplantic points
arch work point
arithmetic point
array feed point
assumed point
attachment point
automatic point
azeotropic point
backoff point
backward stagnation point
balance point
base point
bend point
bending yield point
binary point
bleeding point
bleed point
blow point
blunt round needle point
boiling point
boundary point
branch point
breaker point
break-in point
breaking point
brittle point
bubble point
bucking point
bullet point
burble point
burn point
burning point
burnout point
burster point
cardinal points
casing point
central point
changeover point
characteristic point
check point
chemical-pinch point
chilling point
chisel point
clearing point
close spread collar point
closed flash point
cloud point
cold point
collinear points
collocation point
common depth point
compass points
concyclic points
condensation point
congelation point
consolute point
consumption point of current
contact point
contactor points
control point
control transfer point
corona point
correct point
coupler pivot point
coupling point
critical point
crossing point
crossover point
cryogen boiling point
Curie point
cuspidal point
cut point
cutoff point
cutting point
datum point
dead point
decimal point
defined point
delivery point
demixing point
dendritic point
depth reference point
destination point
destruction point
detonation point
dew point
dial indicator contact point
diamond grinding point
diamond point
directional kickoff point
discharge point
dispatching point
dispersion point
distinct curve collar point
distinct points
distinguished point
distribution point
double point
drain point
draw point
drawoff point
driving point
dropping point
dry point
dryout point
early warning point
edit point
edit-in point
edit-out point
elevation point
elliptic point
emission point
end point
energy breakeven point
entry point
entry-exit points
equal time point
equilibrium point
eutectic point
exclamation point
exhaustion end point
exit point
exterior point
extraction point
face point
fashioning point
fatigue point
feeding point
fiber saturation point
fiducial point
filling point
filling-in point
film entry point
film leaving point
final approach point
final boiling point
fine point
fire point
firing point
fixed point
flame break point
flare point
flash point
flexion point
flight reference point
flight way point
floating point
floc point
flooding point
flow point
flywheel dead point
focal point
forced open point
forward stagnation point
fouling point
freeze point
freezing point
French point
frontier point
frost point
fuel injection point
fuel servicing point
full point
fusing point
gage point
gaging point
gas hydrate formation point
gas point
geodetic point
glazier's point
gloss point
grasp point
grid point
grouped service points
half point
hammer point
hard points
heat point
heavy ball needle point
heavy rounded set needle point
heavy set needle point
holding point
hopper work point
horizontal control point
ice point
ignition point
image point
impact point
incongruent melting point
index point
infeed changeover point
initial point
injection point
insertion point
integral point
intended landing point
intercardinal point
interception point
intercept point
interior point
interlocked point
isoelectric point
jacking point
junction point
knee point
laminar separation point
landfall point of the storm
last departure point
lattice point
leaving point
leveling point
level point
lifter point
lifting point
lift-off point
light ball needle point
light rounded set needle point
light set needle point
limiting point
limit point
linking point
load point
loading point
load-unload point
long collar point
lower yield point
lubrication point
machine home point
macroyield point
maker point
matching point
matrix point
maximum power point
measurement point
measure point
medium ball needle point
melting point
mesh point
mid-boiling point
mixed melting point
movable point
multiple point
needle point
neutral point
nodal point
node point
noise measurement point
normal round needle point
observation point
open point
operation point
optimum point
panel point
paper point
paraffin crystallization point
peak point
pelerine point
pen point
pickup point
piercing point
pile stoppage point
pinch point
pinning point
pitch point
pivotal point
pivot point
plait point
plow point
point of absolute zero
point of arrival
point of contraflexure
point of curve
point of departure
point of discontinuity
point of distance
point of engagement
point of fault
point of force application
point of graph
point of hook
point of increase
point of inflection
point of intersection
point of load application
point of looper
point of maximum
point of minimum
point of no return
point of occlusion
point of sight
point of support
point of tangency
point of tree
porous point
pour point
power point
precision point
preroll point
primary calibration point
principal point
probe point
projected peak point
pullout point
quadrantal point
quarter-span point
quarter point
quiescent operating point
radix point
reaction point
receiving point
reentry point
reference point
reflection depth point
refraction depth point
regional heat point
reporting point
rerun point
ripper point
rounded set needle point
saddle point
salient point
saturation point
sectioning point
set needle point
set point
setting point
shot point
sighting point
singing point
single defect point
single point
singular point
sintering point
slinging point
smoke point
softening point
solder termination point
solidification point
source point
special ball needle point
spring point
square collar point
stable point
stadia point
stagnation point
star point
stationary breaker point
stitch transfer point
stuck point
subsatellite point
support point
surveying point
survey point
switch point
switching point
takeoff point
tangent point
tapping point
terminal point
termination point
test point
thaw point
thermal critical point
thermodynamic point
third point
threshold point
tie point
toll point
tool point
touch point
touchdown point
towing point
tow point
trailing point
transfer initiation point
transfer point
transformation point
transit point
transition point
trap point
triangulation point
triple point
tripping point
true molal boiling point
turning point
umbilical point
unload point
unloading point
upper yield point
valley point
vanishing point
vertical control point
visible point
vitrifying point
volumetric boiling point
water supply point
wax dropout point
weight boiling point
weight-drop point
well point
wiring point
word break point
working point
yield point
zero point -
12 point
точка; центр; стрелка; пункт; станция; вершина; режущая часть (инструмента); кончик; острый конец; остриё; забой буровой скважины; II заострять; наводить; нацеливать- point control - point duty - point of attachment - point of contact - point of departure - point of detonation - point of discontinuity - point of distance - point of draw - point of engagement - point of fracture - point of ignition - point of inflection - point of intersection - point of maximum load - point of origin - point of pivot on road - point of support - point of tangency - point of transition - point of tyre-road contact - point pressure - point-to-point operation - point toothing - point welding - approach point - compression point - compressive yield point - cone screw point - congealing point - crank point - crossing point - cup screw point - gimlet point - half dog screw point - hanger screw point - lower yield point - needle point - neutral point - oval screw point - pile stoppage point - reversing point - run-off point - run-on point - screw point - setting point - stagnation point - supporting point - tooth point - working point - yield point -
13 Draw Or Reifgen Point
A point made by drawing the glove fabric into a ridge which stands above the surface of the back. It is made by drawing the fabric partly around a heavy cotton cord on the inside of the glove. These are made with two or three cords, side by side. They are then called two or three draw Reifgen points.Dictionary of the English textile terms > Draw Or Reifgen Point
14 point
point [pɔɪnt]pointe ⇒ 1 (a) point ⇒ 1 (b), 1 (c), 1 (e), 1 (f),1(i)-(l), 1 (n), 1 (o) endroit ⇒ 1 (c) moment ⇒ 1 (d) essentiel ⇒ 1 (g) but ⇒ 1 (h) virgule ⇒ 1 (m) diriger ⇒ 2 (a) pointer ⇒ 2 (a) indiquer ⇒ 2 (b) montrer du doigt ⇒ 3 (a)1 noun(a) (tip → of sword, nail, pencil etc) pointe f;∎ trim one end of the stick into a point taillez un des bouts de la branche en pointe;∎ his beard ended in a neat point sa barbe était soigneusement taillée en pointe;∎ draw a star with five points dessinez une étoile à cinq branches;∎ a dog with white points un chien aux pattes et aux oreilles blanches;∎ an eight-point stag un cerf huit cors;∎ to dance on points faire des pointes;∎ on (full) point (ballet dancer) sur la pointe;∎ on demi-point (ballet dancer) sur la demi-pointe;∎ not to put too fine a point on it… pour dire les choses clairement…(b) (small dot) point m;∎ a tiny point of light un minuscule point de lumière(c) (specific place) point m, endroit m, lieu m;∎ intersection point point m d'intersection;∎ meeting point (sign) point rencontre;∎ the runners have passed the halfway point les coureurs ont dépassé la mi-parcours;∎ we're back to our point of departure or our starting point nous sommes revenus au ou à notre point de départ;∎ the point where the accident occurred l'endroit où l'accident a eu lieu;∎ at that point you'll see a church on the left à ce moment-là, vous verrez une église sur votre gauche;∎ the terrorists claim they can strike at any point in the country les terroristes prétendent qu'ils peuvent frapper n'importe où dans le pays;∎ the bus service to Dayton and points west le service de bus à destination de Dayton et des villes situées plus à l'ouest;∎ points south of here get little rainfall les régions situées au sud d'ici n'ont pas une grande pluviosité∎ the country is at a critical point in its development le pays traverse une période ou phase critique de son développement;∎ we are at a critical point nous voici à un point critique;∎ there comes a point when a decision has to be made il arrive un moment où il faut prendre une décision;∎ when it comes to the point of actually doing it quand vient le moment de passer à l'acte;∎ when it came to the point quand le moment critique est arrivé;∎ at one point in the discussion à un moment de la discussion;∎ at one point in my travels au cours de mes voyages;∎ at one point, I thought the roof was going to cave in à un moment (donné), j'ai cru que le toit allait s'effondrer;∎ at one point in the book à un moment donné dans le livre;∎ at this point the phone rang c'est alors que le téléphone a sonné, à ce moment-là le téléphone a sonné;∎ at that point, I was still undecided à ce moment-là, je n'avais pas encore pris de décision;∎ at that point in China's history à ce moment précis de l'histoire de la Chine;∎ it's too late by this point il est déjà trop tard à l'heure qu'il est;∎ by that point, I was too tired to move j'étais alors tellement fatigué que je ne pouvais plus bouger(e) (stage in development or process) point m;∎ she had reached the point of wanting a divorce elle en était (arrivée) au point de vouloir divorcer;∎ thank God we haven't reached that point! Dieu merci, nous n'en sommes pas (encore arrivés) là!;∎ to reach the point of no return atteindre le point de non-retour;∎ to be at the point of death être sur le point de mourir;∎ the conflict has gone beyond the point where negotiations are possible le conflit a atteint le stade où toute négociation est impossible;∎ the regime is on the point of collapse le régime est au bord de l'effondrement;∎ I was on the point of admitting everything j'étais sur le point de tout avouer;∎ she had worked to the point of exhaustion elle avait travaillé jusqu'à l'épuisement;∎ he was jealous to the point of madness sa jalousie confinait à la folie;∎ he stuffed himself to the point of being sick il s'est gavé à en être malade(f) (for discussion or debate) point m;∎ a seven-point memorandum un mémorandum en sept points;∎ let's go on to the next point passons à la question suivante ou au point suivant;∎ on this point we disagree sur ce point nous ne sommes pas d'accord;∎ I want to emphasize this point je voudrais insister sur ce point;∎ are there any points I haven't covered? y a-t-il des questions que je n'ai pas abordées?;∎ to make or to raise a point faire une remarque;∎ to make the point that… faire remarquer que… + indicative;∎ my point or the point I'm making is that… là où je veux en venir c'est que…;∎ all right, you've made your point! d'accord, on a compris!;∎ the points raised in her article les points qu'elle soulève dans son article;∎ the main points to keep in mind les principaux points à garder à l'esprit;∎ let me illustrate my point laissez-moi illustrer mon propos;∎ to prove his point he showed us a photo pour prouver ses affirmations, il nous a montré une photo;∎ I see or take your point je vois ce que vous voulez dire ou où vous voulez en venir;∎ point taken! c'est juste!;∎ he may not be home - you've got a point there! il n'est peut-être pas chez lui - ça c'est vrai!;∎ the fact that he went to the police is a point in his favour/a point against him le fait qu'il soit allé à la police est un bon/mauvais point pour lui;∎ I corrected her on a point of grammar je l'ai corrigée sur un point de grammaire;∎ she was disqualified on a technical point elle a été disqualifiée pour ou sur une faute technique;∎ to make a point of doing sth tenir à faire qch;∎ he made a point of speaking to her il a tenu à lui adresser la parole;∎ kindly make a point of remembering next time faites-moi le plaisir de ne pas oublier la prochaine fois∎ I get the point je comprends, je vois;∎ the point is (that) we're overloaded with work le fait est que nous sommes débordés de travail;∎ we're getting off or away from the point nous nous éloignons ou écartons du sujet;∎ that's the (whole) point! (that's the problem) c'est là (tout) le problème!; (that's the aim) c'est ça, le but!;∎ that's not the point! là n'est pas la question!;∎ the money is/your feelings are beside the point l'argent n'a/vos sentiments n'ont rien à voir là-dedans;∎ get or come to the point! dites ce que vous avez à dire!, ne tournez pas autour du pot!;∎ I'll come straight to the point je serai bref;∎ to keep to the point ne pas s'écarter du sujet∎ the point of the game is to get rid of all your cards le but du jeu est de se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes;∎ there's no point in asking him now ça ne sert à rien ou ce n'est pas la peine de le lui demander maintenant;∎ what's the point of all this? à quoi ça sert tout ça?;∎ I don't see the point (of re-doing it) je ne vois pas l'intérêt (de le refaire);∎ oh, what's the point anyway! oh, et puis à quoi bon, après tout!(i) (feature, characteristic) point m;∎ the boss has his good points le patron a ses bons côtés;∎ it's my weak/strong point c'est mon point faible/fort;∎ her strong point is her sense of humour son point fort, c'est son sens de l'humour;∎ tact has never been one of your strong points la délicatesse n'a jamais été ton fort∎ the Dow Jones index is up/down two points l'indice Dow Jones a augmenté/baissé de deux points;∎ who scored the winning point? qui a marqué le point gagnant?;∎ an ace is worth 4 points un as vaut 4 points;∎ to win/to lead on points (in boxing) gagner/mener aux points;∎ American familiar to make points with sb (find favour with) faire bonne impression à qn□ ;∎ School merit points bons points mpl;∎ points competition (in cycling) classement m par points(k) (on compass) point m;∎ the four points of the compass les quatre points mpl cardinaux;∎ the 32 points of the compass les 32 points mpl de la rose des vents;∎ to alter course 16 points venir de 16 quarts;∎ our people were scattered to all points of the compass notre peuple s'est retrouvé éparpillé aux quatre coins du monde∎ a straight line between two points une droite reliant deux points(m) (in decimals) virgule f;∎ five point one cinq virgule un(n) (punctuation mark) point m;∎ three or ellipsis points points mpl de suspension∎ 6-point type caractères mpl de 6 points∎ (power) point prise f (de courant);∎ eight-point distributor (in engine) distributeur m (d'allumage) à huit plots∎ points aiguillage m(t) (on backgammon board) flèche f, pointe f(a) (direct, aim → vehicle) diriger; (→ flashlight, hose) pointer, braquer; (→ finger) pointer, tendre; (→ telescope) diriger, braquer;∎ to point one's finger at sb/sth montrer qn/qch du doigt;∎ he pointed his finger accusingly at Gus il pointa un doigt accusateur vers Gus, il montra ou désigna Gus d'un doigt accusateur;∎ to point a gun at sb braquer une arme sur qn;∎ he pointed the rifle/the camera at me il braqua le fusil/l'appareil photo sur moi;∎ she pointed the truck towards the garage elle tourna le camion vers le garage;∎ he pointed the boat out to sea il a mis le cap vers le large;∎ if anybody shows up, just point them in my direction si quelqu'un arrive, tu n'as qu'à me l'envoyer;∎ just point me in the right direction dites-moi simplement quelle direction je dois prendre;∎ just point him to the nearest bar tu n'as qu'à lui indiquer le chemin du bar le plus proche∎ to point the way indiquer la direction ou le chemin; figurative montrer le chemin, indiquer la direction à suivre;∎ he pointed the way to future success il a montré le chemin de la réussite;∎ her research points the way to a better understanding of the phenomenon ses recherches vont permettre une meilleure compréhension du phénomène;∎ they point the way (in) which reform must go ils indiquent la direction dans laquelle les réformes doivent aller∎ to point one's toes tendre le pied(e) (sharpen → stick, pencil) tailler(f) Linguistics mettre des signes diacritiques à∎ to point at or to or towards sth montrer qch du doigt;∎ she pointed left elle fit un signe vers la gauche;∎ he pointed back down the corridor il fit un signe vers le fond du couloir;∎ he pointed at or to me with his pencil il pointa son crayon vers moi;∎ he was pointing at me son doigt était pointé vers moi;∎ it's rude to point ce n'est pas poli de montrer du doigt(b) (road sign, needle on dial)∎ the signpost points up the hill le panneau est tourné vers le haut de la colline;∎ a compass needle always points north l'aiguille d'une boussole indique toujours le nord;∎ the weather vane is pointing north la girouette est orientée au nord;∎ when the big hand points to twelve quand la grande aiguille est sur le douze∎ hold the gun with the barrel pointing downwards tenez le canon de l'arme pointé vers le bas;∎ the rifle/the camera was pointing straight at me la carabine/la caméra était braquée sur moi;∎ point your flashlight over there éclaire là-bas;∎ insert the disk with the arrow pointing right insérez la disquette, la flèche pointée ou pointant vers la droite;∎ the aerial should be pointing in the direction of the transmitter l'antenne devrait être tournée dans la direction de ou tournée vers l'émetteur;∎ he walks with his feet pointing outwards il marche les pieds en dehorspour l'instant;∎ no more details are available at this point in time pour l'instant, nous ne disposons pas d'autres détailsen fait, à vrai direpertinentjusqu'à un certain point;∎ did the strategy succeed? - up to a point est-ce que la stratégie a réussi? - dans une certaine mesure;∎ productivity can be increased up to a point la productivité peut être augmentée jusqu'à un certain point;∎ she can be persuaded, but only up to a point il est possible de la convaincre, mais seulement jusqu'à un certain point►► Marketing point of delivery lieu m de livraison;British point duty (of police officer, traffic warden) service m de la circulation;∎ to be on point duty diriger la circulation;point guard (in basketball) meneur(euse) m,f;point of intersection point m d'intersection;point of order point m de procédure;∎ he rose on a point of order il a demandé la parole pour soulever un point de procédure;American point man (in the forefront) précurseur m;Computing point of presence point m de présence, point m d'accès;Marketing point of purchase lieu m d'achat, lieu m de vente;point of reference point m de référence;Marketing point of sale lieu m de vente, point m de vente;∎ at the point of sale sur le lieu de vente;point shoes (for ballet) (chaussons mpl à) pointes fpl;Typography & Computing point size corps m;point source source f ponctuelle;point of view Television & Cinema angle m du regard; (opinion) point m de vue, opinion f;∎ from my point of view, it doesn't make much difference en ce qui me concerne, ça ne change pas grand-chose;∎ to consider sth from all points of view considérer qch sous tous ses aspects;point work (of ballet dancer) pointes fplMathematics (decimals) séparer par une virgule(a) (indicate) indiquer, montrer;∎ I'll point the church out to you as we go by je vous montrerai ou vous indiquerai l'église quand nous passerons devant∎ she pointed out several mistakes to us elle nous a signalé plusieurs erreurs, elle a attiré notre attention sur plusieurs erreurs;∎ I'd like to point out that it was my idea in the first place je vous ferai remarquer que l'idée est de moi;∎ might I point out that…? permettez-moi de vous faire observer ou remarquer que…;∎ he pointed out that two people were missing il fit remarquer qu'il manquait deux personnes∎ the facts point to only one conclusion les faits ne permettent qu'une seule conclusion;∎ all the evidence points to him toutes les preuves indiquent que c'est lui;∎ everything points to CIA involvement tout indique que la CIA est impliquée(b) (call attention to) attirer l'attention sur;∎ ecologists point to the destruction of forest land les écologistes attirent notre attention sur la destruction des forêts;∎ they proudly point to the government's record ils invoquent avec fierté le bilan du gouvernement(of person, report) souligner, mettre l'accent sur; (of event) faire ressortir;∎ his account points up the irony of the defeat son exposé met l'accent sur l'ironie de la défaite;∎ the accident points up the need for closer cooperation l'accident fait ressortir le besoin d'une coopération plus étroite -
15 point
- point
- n1. точка; точка координат
2. остриё || заострять
3. положение; позиция
4. точка отбора (газа, электроэнергии); розетка
5. место; пункт
6. деление шкалы
7. стрелка, стрелочный перевод
8. оценочный балл; интенсивность (напр. землетрясения)
9. момент времени
10. расшивать швы каменной [кирпичной] кладки
point for which stress is to be computed — рассматриваемая точка ( сечения элемента конструкции), для которой вычисляют напряжение
- point of application
- point of certainty
- point of compound curvature
- point of concentration
- point of contraflexure
- point of curvature
- point of cusp
- point of grade intersection
- point of high stress concentration
- point of inflection
- point of intersection
- point of lateral restraint
- point of support
- point of switch
- point of tangency
- point of the maximum bending moment
- point of vertical curve
- point of vertical intersection
- point of vertical tangent
- point of zero moment
- airport reference point
- angle point
- arbitrary point
- azeotropic point
- balance point
- bearing point
- bending point
- bent-up point
- blade point
- boiling point
- boom point
- Borros point
- bottom chord panel point
- break point
- catch point
- change point
- change-over point
- common point
- condensation point
- conflict point
- control point
- crowbar point
- curve-to-tangent point
- cut-in point
- cut-out point
- dew point
- draw-off point
- drive point
- driving point
- drop point
- electric point
- end switch point
- eutectic point
- firing point
- fixed point
- fixing point
- flash point
- focal point
- forced point
- freezing point
- frog point
- frost point
- fusing point
- gas point
- glazier's point
- guide point
- high stress concentration point
- hinged point
- ignition point
- intermediate point
- intersection point
- jib point
- junction point
- light point
- low point of a pipeline
- low point
- lower-chord panel point
- lower yield point
- mass point
- melting point
- movable center point
- neutral point
- nodal point
- Oslo point
- panel point
- pavement settlement point
- picture point
- pile point
- plumb point
- plus point
- principal point
- reference point
- road settlement point
- roof truss panel point
- Sampson point
- sand point
- saturation point
- saw point
- set point
- sharply defined yield point
- side point
- signal clearance point
- softening point
- starting point
- surface-hardened point
- surveying reference point
- switch point
- switch-on point
- tangent point
- tangent-to-curve point
- top-chord panel point
- transition point
- turning point
- upper chord panel point
- upper yield point
- vanishing point
- water-supply point
- wing point
- work point
- yield point
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
16 draw-off point
- draw-off point
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > draw-off point
17 point out
point out [sth., sb.], point [sth., sb.] out (show) indicare, mostrare; point out [sth.] (remark on) fare notare, fare rilevare [fact, discrepancy]* * *(to indicate or draw attention to: He pointed out his house to her; I pointed out that we needed more money.) mostrare; far notare* * *vt + adv1) (show) additare, indicare2) (mention) far notare, far presenteI'd like to point out that... — vorrei far notare che...
* * *point out [sth., sb.], point [sth., sb.] out (show) indicare, mostrare; point out [sth.] (remark on) fare notare, fare rilevare [fact, discrepancy] -
18 point
1) точка, точка координат2) место, пункт3) положение, позиция4) степень6) резец7) остриё, острый конец8) вершина горы9) расшивать швы каменной, кирпичной кладки10) точить; заострять (напр. конец сваи)•- point of concentration - point of contraflexure - point of curve - point of cusp - point of discontinuity - point of distance - point of evaporation - point of failure - point of fault - point of fluidity - point of force - point of force application - point of high stress concentration - point of increase - point of inflection - point of load application - point of pile - point of reference - point of sight - point of support - point of switch - point of zero moment - point of zero work - actual frog point - aerodrome reference point - angular point - attachment point - balance point - bending point - bending yield point - blunt nail point - boom point - breaking point - brittle point - burning point - ceiling point - change point - changeover point - characteristic point - chisel point - condensation point - congealing point - control point - crawbar point - creep point - critical point - crossover point - cutting point - datum point - dead point - decimal point - destruction point - dew point - discharge point - distribution point - draw-off point - drip point - electric point - elevation point - evaporating point - fatigue point - fibre saturation point - fire point - fixed point - fixing point - flow point - focal point - gimlet point - groin point - hinge point - hinged point - intersection point - isolated point - isotropic point - junction point - load point - modular point - nail point - nodal point - node point - open point - panel point - picture point - plumb point - quarter point - quarter-span point - railroad point - reference point - rigid point of support - sampling point - saturation point - saw point - slinging point - stagnation point - starting point - tangent point - tie point - transit point - triangulation point - upper yield point - vanishing point - yield point - zero pointto take a point — геод. взять отметку
* * *1. точка; точка координат2. остриё || заострять3. положение; позиция4. точка отбора (газа, электроэнергии); розетка5. место; пункт6. деление шкалы7. стрелка, стрелочный перевод8. оценочный балл; интенсивность (напр. землетрясения)9. момент времени10. расшивать швы каменной [кирпичной] кладки- point of applicationpoint for which stress is to be computed — рассматриваемая точка ( сечения элемента конструкции), для которой вычисляют напряжение
- point of certainty
- point of compound curvature
- point of concentration
- point of contraflexure
- point of curvature
- point of cusp
- point of grade intersection
- point of high stress concentration
- point of inflection
- point of intersection
- point of lateral restraint
- point of support
- point of switch
- point of tangency
- point of the maximum bending moment
- point of vertical curve
- point of vertical intersection
- point of vertical tangent
- point of zero moment
- airport reference point
- angle point
- arbitrary point
- azeotropic point
- balance point
- bearing point
- bending point
- bent-up point
- blade point
- boiling point
- boom point
- Borros point
- bottom chord panel point
- break point
- catch point
- change point
- change-over point
- common point
- condensation point
- conflict point
- control point
- crowbar point
- curve-to-tangent point
- cut-in point
- cut-out point
- dew point
- draw-off point
- drive point
- driving point
- drop point
- electric point
- end switch point
- eutectic point
- firing point
- fixed point
- fixing point
- flash point
- focal point
- forced point
- freezing point
- frog point
- frost point
- fusing point
- gas point
- glazier's point
- guide point
- high stress concentration point
- hinged point
- ignition point
- intermediate point
- intersection point
- jib point
- junction point
- light point
- low point of a pipeline
- low point
- lower-chord panel point
- lower yield point
- mass point
- melting point
- movable center point
- neutral point
- nodal point
- Oslo point
- panel point
- pavement settlement point
- picture point
- pile point
- plumb point
- plus point
- principal point
- reference point
- road settlement point
- roof truss panel point
- Sampson point
- sand point
- saturation point
- saw point
- set point
- sharply defined yield point
- side point
- signal clearance point
- softening point
- starting point
- surface-hardened point
- surveying reference point
- switch point
- switch-on point
- tangent point
- tangent-to-curve point
- top-chord panel point
- transition point
- turning point
- upper chord panel point
- upper yield point
- vanishing point
- water-supply point
- wing point
- work point
- yield point -
19 draw
1. длина отхода каретки прядильной машины периодического действия; 2. длина нити, выпряденной за полный цикл работы прядильной машины периодического действия; 3. вытяжка кареткой на прядильной машине периодического действия; 4. проборка нитей основы в ремизы и бёрдо; 5. тащить, тянуть; 6. вытаскивать; выдёргивать; 7. всасывать; втягивать; 8. чертить, рисовать @draw to scale чертить в масштабе @broken-point draw групповая проборка нитей основы в ремизы @divided draw сводная проборка нитей основы в ремизы @double-point draw обратная двойная проборка нитей основы в ремизы @fine draw 1. ручная штопка дефектов ткани; 2. художественная штопка @intermittent draw проборка в разбивку @wrong draws неправильно пробранные в ремизы нити основы @ -
20 draw
1. длина отхода каретки прядильной машины периодического действия; 2. длина нити, выпряденной за полный цикл работы прядильной машины периодического действия; 3. вытяжка кареткой на прядильной машине периодического действия; 4. проборка нитей основы в ремизы и бёрдо; 5. тащить, тянуть; 6. вытаскивать; выдёргивать; 7. всасывать; втягивать; 8. чертить, рисовать @draw to scale чертить в масштабе @broken-point draw групповая проборка нитей основы в ремизы @divided draw сводная проборка нитей основы в ремизы @double-point draw обратная двойная проборка нитей основы в ремизы @fine draw 1. ручная штопка дефектов ткани; 2. художественная штопка @intermittent draw проборка в разбивку @wrong draws неправильно пробранные в ремизы нити основы @
См. также в других словарях:
draw — (dr[add]), v. t. [imp. {Drew} (dr[udd]); p. p. {Drawn} (dr[add]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Drawing}.] [OE. dra[yogh]en, drahen, draien, drawen, AS. dragan; akin to Icel. & Sw. draga, Dan. drage to draw, carry, and prob. to OS. dragan to bear, carry, D.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Draw — Draw, draws or drawn may refer to: The act of drawing, or making an image with a writing utensil A part of many card games A part of a lottery Wire drawing Draw (terrain), terrain feature similar to a valley (but smaller) formed by two parallel… … Wikipedia
draw — ► VERB (past drew; past part. drawn) 1) produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper. 2) produce (a line) on a surface. 3) pull or drag (a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind. 4) pull or move in a specified direction. 5)… … English terms dictionary
draw — drȯ vb, drew drü drawn drȯn draw·ing vt 1) to cause to move toward or localize in a surface <using a poultice to draw inflammation to a head> esp to cause (an unwanted element) to depart (as from the body or a lesion) <this will help… … Medical dictionary
Draw the Line — may refer to; Draw the Line (Aerosmith album) Draw the Line (song) Draw the Line (David Gray album) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Draw by agreement — In chess, a draw by (mutual) agreement is the outcome of a game due to the agreement of both players to a draw. A player may offer a draw to his opponent at any stage of a game; if the opponent accepts, the game is a draw. The relevant portion of … Wikipedia
Draw (chess) — In chess, a draw is when a game ends in a tie. It is one of the possible outcomes of a game, along with a win for White (loss for Black) and a win for Black (loss for White). Usually, in tournaments a draw is worth a half point to each player,… … Wikipedia
draw — draw1 W1S1 [dro: US dro:] v past tense drew [dru:] past participle drawn [dro:n US dro:n] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(picture)¦ 2 draw (somebody s) attention 3 draw a conclusion 4 draw a comparison/parallel/distinction etc 5¦(get a reaction)¦ 6¦(attract)¦ 7¦(get… … Dictionary of contemporary English
draw — drawable, adj. /draw/, v., drew, drawn, drawing, n. v.t. 1. to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off). 2 … Universalium
draw — verb (past drew; past participle drawn) 1》 produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper. ↘trace or produce (a line) on a surface. 2》 pull or drag (a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind. ↘pull or move (something)… … English new terms dictionary
Draw play — A draw play, or simply draw for short, is a type of American football play. The draw appears to be a passing play, but is actually a running play; in this way, it can be considered the opposite of the play action pass. The idea behind a draw play … Wikipedia